"Couples who crave children will definitely do everything they can to get pregnant soon. Before doing pregnancy program therapy with a doctor, there are several natural ways that you can try first.”
Every married couple generally crave children in their domestic life. Some couples can get pregnant immediately after marriage. Some of them need to wait longer or do various ways to get pregnant. The struggle to get pregnant isn't always easy. Often there are a number of conditions that make it difficult for women to get pregnant.
There are many ways that couples can take to get pregnant, ranging from natural to therapeutic pregnancy programs. However, pregnancy program therapy often costs a lot, so many couples prefer natural methods first.
Tips to get pregnant fast naturally
Well, if you and your partner are struggling to get pregnant, there are some natural tips that you can try:
1. Check fertility with the doctor
Before undergoing a natural pregnancy program, it's a good idea for you and your partner to check with a doctor. This is important to do to make sure you and your partner do not experience problems in fertility. The reason is, no matter how much you try, it will be small if between you and your partner experience problems in fertility. If both are declared healthy, then the natural tips that you will try have a greater chance.
2. Know your menstrual cycle
Recognizing your menstrual cycle can really help you to know when ovulation occurs. Ovulation is the best time to have sex because the chances of getting pregnant are very high at this time. You can also know the signs of ovulation. Usually, ovulation is marked by the release of clear, thin, and slippery mucus. Some women also experience pain on one side of the pelvis.
3. Do not hesitate to try various sex positions
You must have heard about the style of sex that can increase the chances of getting pregnant. Actually, this is just a myth and there is no research that proves it. Whatever position you and your partner do, sperm will still travel to the uterus. So, you don't need to hesitate and can be free to try various sex positions with your partner.
4. Stay in bed after intercourse
Apart from sex positions, you've also heard that lying in bed with your legs up after sex can increase your chances of getting pregnant. This is not entirely true. According to WebMD, lying in bed for 10 to 15 minutes after intercourse is recommended, but it's not necessary to lift your legs up.
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