A lot of health issues and the growth of infants and children who are still being issues in Indonesia. One of them was stunting or growth of the dwarf. This condition is seen of the baby that was born and gained weight as well as height, which arguably is low, compared with other children his age.
Hasto Wardoyo as Head of the National Population and Family Planning board (BKKBN) mentions, there are about 22 percent of all babies are born with a body length less than 48 centimeters in Indonesia. Meanwhile, at least about 11 percent of babies are born with the weight does not reach 2.5 kilograms.
It could be said that stunting in Indonesia is already very high capital. In fact, the other signs are encountered is the condition of anemia in pregnant women by 48 percent. It would also be the trigger of stunting in infants.
A Significant effect of Stunting on Child development
Actually, stunting can be prevented. prevention starts before planning a pregnancy, during the pregnancy progresses, and of course 1000 days of life first sang buah hati. Prevention through the third stage can be believed to be able to suppress the high rate of stunting in the country.
Not without reason, stunting that occurs in children not only the effect on weight and height, but also how the child's intellectual and the quality of their lives in the foreseeable future. It was approved by the Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin, which revealed that stunting also be a big threat in the sector of national development.
According to him, these conditions are certainly very great impact on the quality of human resources in Indonesia. Thus, the Minister Budi certainly very approving the actions of the prevention of stunting is carried out through three phases have been mentioned by the Head of BKKBN Hasto Wardoyo.
Prevention Of Stunting Before Marriage
Budi added, need to do the intervention specifically even before the first 1000 days of life the child. This means that, prevention is done on couples who are planning to get married. Each pair of bride and groom are required to undergo counseling related to reproductive health, as well as the health services of comprehensive health care facilities such as health centers.
Counseling is conducted to assure that the prospective bride has mentioned requirements to get pregnant. So, if there are indications of a health problem on the bride, early treatment can be done immediately so that the occurrence of more serious complications can be prevented.
Not only that, the Minister Budi also confirmed that the pair certainly have to do some things related to the growth and development of the child for the intervention of the occurrence of stunting. These include exclusive BREASTFEEDING for the first 6 months of baby's life, the provision of complementary feeding in infants after 6 months of age-appropriate, get vaccinated the basis of a complete and vaccines to advanced, the provision of vitamin A, anthelmintic, and stimulation of growth and development according to age.
So, don't underestimate the impact of stunting, yes, because it can indeed harm the growth of the child. As much as possible you perform routine medical examination to the doctor, especially when you are pregnant. Now it is not difficult to make an appointment with a doctor at the nearest hospital.