Various Diseases That Are Vulnerable to Appear in the Transition Season


The transition season is a transitional season from one season to another, usually a transition period from the rainy season to the dry season or vice versa. This season is also associated with the arrival of various types of diseases. Why is the body more susceptible to disease during the transition season? What kinds of diseases? Check out his review below.

Why disease is easier to come in the transition season?

Weather changes that occur so quickly can increase the body's risk of disease. This is inseparable from various factors, such as extreme temperature shifts.

Then, why the body becomes more susceptible to disease? Viruses are easier to survive and multiply more quickly in cold temperatures, making it easier for humans to attack.

In addition, cold air also has a negative impact on the performance of the immune system in protecting the body from these viruses. When the body is exposed to cold air, blood vessels constrict in an effort to maintain temperature in the body's organs. As a result, the body's immune system can indirectly be disrupted in fighting viral infections.

Various types of diseases that attack during the transition season

When the transition season hits, be careful because there are various diseases that are prone to appear and attack. Below are various diseases that are prone to occur during the transition season.

1. Headache

During the transition season, a drop in air pressure, a sharp increase in humidity, or a sudden drop in air temperature can trigger headaches, especially migraines.

In addition, extreme cold weather or sunlight that is too hot can also trigger the instability of chemical components in the brain that trigger headaches.

Weather that is too cold can also make blood vessels constrict so that it blocks the blood supply to the brain.

2. Cough cold

Another disease that is very common in the transition season is cough and cold. One of the viruses whose proliferation is increasing this season is the influenza virus and rhinovirus.

In addition, when the weather changes from cold to warmer weather, people are more likely to go out, go for walks, and gather together. When many people gather, the spread of disease becomes easier.

Cough and cold is usually characterized by symptoms of cough, runny or stuffy nose, sneezing, fever, and fever. Make sure you always wear a mask to protect yourself and others from contagion of cough and cold.

3. Joint pain

Although it has not been proven, a decrease in air pressure is suspected to cause joint pain.

You can imagine the tissue around your joints like a balloon. Normal air pressure will keep the balloon from inflating.

However, the low air pressure can cause the balloon to not hold so that the balloon or the tissue around your joint will slowly expand. This is what causes pain in the joints.

4. Asthma attack

The next disease that many complain about appearing in the transition season is the recurrence of asthma. Asthma attacks occur because the airways become inflamed.

When the ambient temperature is low, the cold air entering the airways also becomes cooler. The airways will react to this cold air and become inflamed.

This is exacerbated especially if you do strenuous activities or exercise in open spaces. The rapid exchange of air when you are strenuous causes the air to not be warmed up first. This can increase the risk of inflammation caused by cold air.

5. Dengue fever

Dengue fever is an infectious disease that is transmitted through the bite of the Aedes mosquito. This disease is also classified as vulnerable to appear in the transition season.

When entering the rainy season, the air temperature drops causing the environment to become more humid. Puddles of water were formed everywhere due to the rain.

Tips for maintaining health during the transition season

So that the body is always protected, here are some tips that you need to apply to prevent getting sick in the transition season:

Bring a jacket or raincoat: one of the hallmarks of the transition season is the extreme weather changes that can occur on the same day. It can be very sunny when you leave the house, but not for long there is heavy rain. Don't forget to bring a jacket or raincoat even if the weather doesn't look cloudy.

Meet your daily intake needs: if your daily nutritional needs are met, then your immune system can also work optimally to fight the incoming disease.

Consumption of adequate vitamins: although all vitamins are equally important for the body, but one of the vitamins that functions to maintain the immune system is vitamin C. By getting enough vitamin C, your immune system can function optimally to fight various diseases. You can find this vitamin naturally in vegetables and fruits such as broccoli, oranges, papaya, and mango.

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