Frank Houston was a "serial pedophile" and the extent of his crimes may never be known, the court said

The court heard Frank Houston also told his son Brian, the founder of Hillsong, that he was abused by his own grandfather as a child

Hillsong church founder Brian Houston told the court he believed his father was a "serial pedophile" and the extent of his crimes may not be known.

Houston said it was likely the father sexually abused multiple children and the number of victims would never be disclosed.

Frank Houston confessed to his son about one instance of abuse in 1999, which had occurred in New Zealand decades earlier.

After the abuse was exposed, Frank Houston was banned from preaching, but the public and authorities were not informed.

Brian Houston, 68, was accused of covering up his father's abuse until Frank Houston's death in November 2004, having learned of the crime when his father confessed to it in 1999. Houston has pleaded not guilty.

"I have no doubt now my father was a serial pedophile and we may never know the extent of that," Houston said in Sydney's Downing central local court on Monday.

She also told the court she did not believe her father remained a risk to society in his old age due to his declining mental state.

Judge Gareth Christofi asked Houston if she feared her father would sexually abuse other children after he failed to report the allegations.

"Don't you think, 'people really should know about this... because it's potentially dangerous'?" asked Christofi.

"At 78 years old, in failing health, I don't believe he's still a risk to anyone," Houston replied.

"Physically he is healthy but his memory is failing very quickly."

Houston also claims there is no evidence his father continued to abuse minors after sometime in the late 1970s.

He added that he did not believe his mother ever understood the "gravity" of his father's abuse.

“My mother never understood. He is from a different generation. He kept his head down, "Houston said in court." He complained about Frank being treated too roughly.

Houston told the court her father had met the victim at Sydney's Redfern station and arranged to pay her $2,000, which was later added to the $10,000 payment when Houston stepped in.

"It was a weak attempt to try and right the wrongs," said Houston.

Houston also said he spoke to his father's victim on the phone and offered counseling on behalf of Assemblies of God in Australia.

"He said 'I don't want your bloody counselling' and he cut the meeting short," Houston said.

He said he was involved in organizing to pay the victim an additional $10,000 which he did through an attorney to avoid it appearing like a cover-up.

He told the court that he wanted to make sure that in paying the money he in no way silenced the victim or prevented her from reporting to the police in the future. “I want to be careful that nothing is covered up here. … and there doesn't appear to be any cover-up,” said Houston.

It was his intention to distance himself and the church from paying, he said.

"I want to make sure whatever documents are made that this is a payment from Frank to (the victim) - among them as well," Houston said.

"I tried to stay away from him."

Houston said he later received a call from the victim who said he had not been paid and had been told by Frank Houston that he had no money.

"I'm frustrated that no money was paid, but I'm also frustrated that Frank told the victim to call me," said Houston.

Houston said it was his understanding the money was eventually paid, but he didn't know by whom.

"Do you know what the payment terms are?" Houston attorney, Phillip Boulten SC, asked him.

"No," he replied. Previously, the court was told that Frank Houston said at the time he sexually assaulted a minor boy he felt "emotionally low".

Frank Houston also told his son that his own grandfather came home drunk one night and abused him while he was growing up, the court was told Monday.

Houston told the court her father claimed the abuse was a one-time occurrence, though other allegations later came to light.

"He told me it was a one-off incident, done at a time when he was emotionally down," Houston said. She described her father at the time dealing with the effects of the abuse as "embarrassed, embarrassed, humiliated, defensive, depressed".

Houston also recounted telling a room full of about 35 church ministers about her father's abuse around 2000 when it came to light.

"I find it very difficult every time I have to tell that story again," he said in court.

The trial continues.

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