Australian news live: nine major NSW flood warnings in place as SES warns Victoria's state of emergency 'far from over

Nine main NSW flood warnings were implemented: SES

Nine major flood warnings were in effect across New South Wales, as authorities braced for worsening conditions in several communities across the state's midwest, west and south.

In a recent NSW flood update, New South Wales emergency services minister Steph Cooke said that in the hours between midnight and 5am, 140 flood rescues were carried out in the small town of Eugowra alone. More than 100 rescuers came from the roof.

With a population of 700, Cooke said that more than one in five residents had to be rescued by helicopter or boat.

Cooke also said 12 flood rescue operators from New Zealand would arrive in Sydney tonight and would head to Parkes on Tuesday to support emergency services. The State Emergency Service asked its counterparts in Singapore and the United States for additional support.

A crash-feeding event on Sunday plunged the town of Molong in midwestern New South Wales under water. Video shows debris hitting the pub.

Chinese prime minister tells Albanians China is ready to meet Australia 'half way'

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang told Anthony Albanese that China is ready to meet Australia halfway in strengthening bilateral ties, China's state news agency Xinhua reported.

Li and Albanese spoke in a brief meeting after arriving for a dinner in Phnom Penh, Cambodia over the weekend, on the sidelines of the Asean Summit. Before dinner, the Albanese said he was ready to have a conversation without "pre-conditions".

According to the Xinhua report published on Monday, Albanese noted the upcoming 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Australia forged under Gough Whitlam's Labor government.

The Xinhua report said "noting that he has visited China several times, Albanese said his country is willing to strengthen high-level exchanges with China and jointly promote the healthy development of bilateral relations".

Xinhua paraphrased Li as saying, "The peoples of China and Australia enjoy traditional friendship, however, bilateral relations have gone through difficult times".

The report also attributes one direct quote to Li: "As prime minister of the new Labor government, you expressed Australia's readiness to work with China to get the bilateral relationship back on track".

Xinhua also paraphrased Li as saying "China is ready to meet Australia halfway, and work with Australia to seize the opportunity of the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations to promote the sustainable, healthy and stable growth of China-Australia relations".

SES conducted 204 rescues across NSW in 24 hours

State Emergency Services have conducted more than 200 flood rescues across New South Wales in the last 24 hours, after widespread rainfall and thunderstorms triggered dangerous flash floods across large parts of the south and west of the state. Overnight, more than 120mm of rain fell on Central West.

SES NSW said more than 204 flood rescues had been conducted statewide, and had received more than 855 requests for assistance in the past day.

Warnings for 116 locations have been issued by SES, including 16 current emergency warnings for residents to evacuate now to higher ground which are in Cowra, Canowindra, Derrinwong and Eugowra.

Nine main NSW flood warnings were implemented: SES

Nine major flood warnings were in effect across New South Wales, as authorities braced for worsening conditions in several communities across the state's midwest, west and south.

In a recent NSW flood update, New South Wales emergency services minister Steph Cooke said that in the hours between midnight and 5am, 140 flood rescues were carried out in the small town of Eugowra alone. More than 100 rescuers came from the roof.

With a population of 700, Cooke said that more than one in five residents had to be rescued by helicopter or boat.

Cooke also said 12 flood rescue operators from New Zealand would arrive in Sydney tonight and would head to Parkes on Tuesday to support emergency services. The State Emergency Service asked its counterparts in Singapore and the United States for additional support. 

Up to one million customers of ANZ, Westpac and Commonwealth Bank will share in a $126 million settlement after selling unused consumer credit insurance, AAP reported.

Paul Karp : 'We are open to the possibility of going off course' in trade dispute with China, says government

The trade minister, Don Farrell, has delivered a speech at Australia's APEC Study Center, warning that "great power competition undermines the international rules-based order".

He says:

“It is no longer possible – if that were the case – to protect our trade policies from geopolitics.

Economic coercion efforts and the unfair targeting of Australian goods in recent years have demonstrated the risks to our economy when the rules of the road are ignored.

Increasingly, economic policy and national security policy are intertwined – Australia's robust economy underpins national security."

Farrell also repeated comments he made to Guardian Australia in July that suggested a "compromise situation" or "alternative way" to resolve the trade dispute might emerge in talks with China.

On Monday, Farrell said that "as with any other WTO dispute, we are open to the possibility of going off course leading to a mutually agreed solution".

Farrell established a set of principles for Australia's trade policy, including:

To “deepen and diversify trade relations in our own region” as “over-reliance on any partner is a significant risk”

Reform of the international trade system, in particular the functions of the World Trade Organization

Use trade to help create jobs and higher wages

The benefits of trading should be shared among the people

Farrell confirmed that Labor would not include investor country dispute mechanisms in future trade agreements, and would review the use of ISDS clauses in existing deals.

Farmer found in mud dies in hospital

A Queensland farmer who survived more than two days trapped in mud after falling from his tractor has died in hospital on the Sunshine Coast, ABC reports.

Emergency services found Tom Killen covered in mud from head to toe and rushed him to hospital Tuesday morning after a friend of the 95-year-old man found him in a dam on his property in southeast Queensland while going to check on him afterwards. silent days.

Killen remains in the hospital. The ABC reported that police today said he died over the weekend.

AFL referee one in four arrested in Brownlow betting investigation

The AFL referee is one of four men arrested in connection with suspicious betting activity linked to the Brownlow Medal this season.

On Monday, Victoria police detectives from the Sporting Integrity Intelligence Unit arrested and interviewed four men as part of the investigation, with one person with deep knowledge of Brownlow's medal tally accused of leaking information to a betting ring.

Police are investigating how many matches may have had votes released and how much money was awarded from betting, the AAP reports. At this stage, the police have no information to suggest that the voting results were affected as the allegations relate only to information dissemination.

On Monday afternoon, a statement from the AFL said that "one of the four people arrested this morning was an AFL referee".

"Suspicious betting activity, on bets placed on round-by-round vote takers, triggered a response and notification by one of the AFL betting agency partners," the statement said.

“The AFL and Victoria Police have no information to suggest that match day voting was affected in connection with suspicious betting activity, as the allegation relates only to distribution leaks or improper communication of voting post 3,2,1. some special matches during the season for unauthorized persons," the statement said.

AFL EGMS Football and General Counsel Andrew Dillon said: "I would like to emphasize that neither Victoria Police, nor the AFL have information to suggest that the Brownlow Medal outcome was affected".

“After the game, Brownlow's voice is sealed and stored in a secure offsite location and not opened until it is delivered to the stage on Brownlow night. Sealed ballots are audited throughout the season by KPMG,” said Dillon.

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