Pregnant women are not for fasting, this is Pregnant women are not for fasting, this is

“Fasting during pregnancy is feared to be harmful to the health of both the mother and the baby. Even so, pregnant women are actually not allowed to fast, as long as the condition of the mother and fetus is optimal."

The month of Ramadan is the month awaited by all Muslims in the world. In this blessed month, all Muslims are required to fast. However, there are some groups who are given waivers and are advised not to fast. One of these groups is women who are pregnant.

The question is, in terms of why pregnant women are not advised to consider it? Let's see here!

Reasons Why Pregnant Women Are Not Fasting

Based on the medical, pregnancy during pregnancy that is feared can cause health problems, both for the mother and the baby. Because, when food and drink, a person will not consume or approximately 12 hours. This can put pregnant women at risk for a drop in blood sugar to unhealthy levels. In addition, fasting also causes a lack of nutrients as well as energy for the body as a whole.

Even so, pregnant women are actually not allowed to fast. But keep in mind, when fasting, the condition of the mother and fetus must be at optimal times or there are no problems with the mother and the womb.

As long as the mother and her womb are declared healthy by a doctor, then pregnant women are allowed to fast. As long as it is time for sahur and iftar, pregnant women ensure that all nutritional needs for themselves and their contents are met properly.

Safe Trimester of Pregnancy Fasting

During the pregnancy phase, the mother will experience 3 trimesters. The first trimester at the age of 0 to 12 weeks, the fetus is still in the process of forming parts of the body's organs and also parts of the brain. At this time, the fetus needs a lot of nutrients from the mother to build its growth. in the first trimester, pregnant women are advised not to fast. Because at this time the growth and development of the fetus still requires nutrition and nutrition from the food that the mother consumes.

In addition, in the first trimester pregnant women usually experience morning sickness. Morning sickness is a condition of nausea and vomiting experienced by some women in the first trimester. Morning sickness usually occurs due to hormonal changes in pregnant women.

Usually, during morning sickness, the mother's appetite will also increase, so pregnant women in the first trimester are advised not to take into account the many nutrients and nutrients needed by the fetus at this time.

In the second trimester, the age of the fetus has entered the age of 13 weeks to 24 weeks. Usually, pregnant women rarely experience morning sickness. However, nutritional and nutritional needs for the fetus are still very necessary at this stage. If there are no complaints, the mother is advised to appear to the doctor if you want to relax. If pregnant women experience complaints, it is recommended not to worry because it will endanger the health of the fetus.

In the third trimester, usually the baby is ready to be born and the nutritional intake continues to be needed for the baby's development until birth. Generally, in the third trimester, pregnant women are allowed to fast, as long as the pregnancy is in good health.

Conditions for pregnant women during the fasting line

Even though pregnant women are in good condition, paying attention to the health of the fetus is very necessary. If your mother, still pay attention to nutrition and nutrition for the needs of the fetus. The nutritional intake that pregnant women must get is 50 percent carbohydrates, 25 percent protein, 10-15 percent healthy fats, and don't forget the intake of vitamins and minerals.

In addition, when fasting, mothers should pay attention to the weight of pregnant women. If the mother experiences drastic weight loss, the mother should pay attention to the intake of nutrients and nutrients needed by the fetus. Drastic weight loss can harm the fetus in the womb.

When breaking the fast and sahur, don't forget to choose a food menu that contains the nutrients and nutrients needed by the mother and fetus. Vegetables such as broccoli, carrots, asparagus can be a food menu for iftar or sahur.

Groups of pregnant women who are not allowed to fast

In some cases, there are several groups of pregnant women who are not allowed to fast, including:

  • Pregnant women with diabetes mellitus.
  • Dehydrated, especially pregnant women who are still experiencing morning sickness in the first trimester of pregnancy.
  • Pregnant women who experience digestive disorders, such as ulcers.

there is nothing wrong with fasting during pregnancy. However, keep an eye on the health of the mother and fetus. In addition, it is important to meet all the important nutritional needs needed during pregnancy. In order to fulfill it, mother.

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